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Christmas Trees


Douglas fir

The Douglas Fir is the most popular Christmas tree in the United States. With its soft dark blue-green needles and festive fragrance, the tree has come to symbolize the "old fashioned" Christmas tree. This fir's branches are spreading to drooping with one-inch needles that radiate out in all directions from the branch. The pyramidal shape of the tree becomes less defined with age.

Douglas fir


Noble fir


The Noble Fir tree's distinct symmetrical shape, long keep ability and strong branches make it a popular Christmas tree choice. Its branches are used in greenery arrangements to make wreaths, door swags, garland and other Christmas products. The silver blue-green needles are four-sided, measuring one inch long, and generally twist upward exposing the lower surface of the branch. This tree is native to Oregon.

Noble fir


Nordman Fir


The Nordman Fir is originally native of Turkey and Eastern Europe. The branches are stiff, good for holding heavy ornaments similar to the Noble. The color can range from a dark green to more of a lime green. The 1 inch needles can be glossy in appearance and when crushed do not produce much of a fragrance. This tree has an especially good ability to stay fresh over a long period of time while losing very few needles as it dries out. This keep ability, along with the beautiful shape, symmetry and density make it a species that is growing in popularity in Oregon. Slower growth is another characteristic of this tree so allow 9-10 years before harvesting.

Nordman Fir


Fraser Fir

One of the most popular Christmas tree species, it sports soft, short needles, and is known for staying fresh and fragrant throughout the season. Fraser Firs are famous for their two-tone needles. Each needle has a dark green top with a silver underside. Fraser firs take a delightfully full pyramidal shape, with sturdy branches fit to support heavier ornaments—not to mention, room enough between branches to hang bigger bulbs in the first place. 

Fraser Fir

Tree Care

Set Up


Having a fresh cut Christmas tree in your home for the holidays can add lasting memories to the season. However, it is important that you think through the setup process so that your tree will be safe and remain beautiful while it is in your home. Follow these steps as you setup your Christmas Traditions fresh-cut Christmas tree.


Choosing a Spot.


Choosing the right spot for your Christmas tree is very important. Fresh cut trees are preserved longer when they are placed in a local in your home away from an exterior wall and away from heating registers or open flames such as a fire place. The dry air from central heat and the heat from a fire place can dry your tree out quickly.


Placing Your Tree in the Stand.


Before you place your tree in its stand, make sure you have chosen the appropriate stand for the size tree you have purchased and that the base of the tree has a fresh cut. We suggest that you purchase your stand along with your tree at a Christmas Traditions lot. Your tree will receive a fresh cut before leaving our lot. However, if your tree is stored outside your home for an extended period of time before setting up, we recommend that you make a 1/2” cut at the base of the tree. This will allow water and nutrients to feed the tree more efficiently, ensuring that your tree will stay fresh longer. Make sure your tree is level and sturdy once you have placed it in the stand. You may need to enlist a helper to ensure that you have installed the stand straight. An improperly installed or incorrect stand could enable the tree to fall over and cause injury to a person or damage treasured ornaments.


Installing the Disposal Bag.


Disposal bags are available at each of our Christmas Traditions lots and make disposal of your fresh-cut tree easier and less messy. We recommend that you spread the bag out under your stand once you have selected a suitable location and before you begin decorating your tree. Once it comes time to dispose of your tree, you can simply pull the bag up over the tree branches and tie it off at the top. This process reduces the number needles that are left on the floor to cleanup.


Watering Your Tree.


Immediately after setting up your tree, we recommend watering your fresh-cut tree on a regular basis is important to ensure that your tree stays fresh. You should never allow the water reservoir in your tree stand to become dry. If this happens, the base of the tree dries out preventing water and nutrients to be absorbed by the tree. You should also use a tree preservative which provides additional nutrients required by your fresh-cut tree. You can purchase tree preservative from one of our convenient Christmas Traditions retail lots.

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